a gathering for stillness and reflection

Press Pause

practice. . . listening to what wants (and needs) to be said

practice. . . side-stepping the pesky inner critic

practice. . . writing freely, loosely, and with heart

practice. . . listening to others

Next Session: TBD

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when registration opens.

We begin each session with a short centering exercise; this might be breathwork, it might be a sweet little meditation, it might be something other. We begin with settling in.

Then, using poetry and creative prompts as a jumping off point, we work through timed writing sessions (typically 10-15 minutes each). Writing is free and loose; we listen to the words already within us; we get them down.

For those comfortable sharing work, there’s time to do so as well as ask questions and discuss creative practices.

Write Your Heart sessions are a great way to begin a writing practice or to nurture an already-existing one.

All levels of writing are welcome. Class size is limited to 8.

settle into the quiet
and get the words down


“Michelle facilitates with such generosity and grace… This workshop will remind you why words on a page are so important, why what is in your heart longs to be written.”


“Write Your Heart isn’t about feedback, style, or word choice it’s about getting you writing. Writing whatever is in your heart and mind in that moment… Being seen and witnessed is an extraordinary grace. This unexpected gift is my biggest takeaway and I am truly grateful for Michelle and this group of kindred spirits.”

mug, glasses, journal


This kind of writing is powerful and healing.

It engages a deep awareness that is innate but from which we sometimes disconnect. Little nuggets in our writing offer insights, initiate questions, and generate ideas. We process, we shift, we become.

This kind of writing is a container for creative expression, mindful exploration, and inspired being.

The writing you do in practice with me can be reworked and edited for more polished writing later. It might become a poem or a song, or a piece for your blog, or content for a book or magazine article.

Or maybe, and this is thrilling, too: the writing is gloriously and freely written and, once released on the page, you discover it is (more than) enough as is… you discover that the practice itself is the desired outcome.

You get to decide.

Sign up here to be notified when registration opens for our next session.

“Just enter the heat of words and sounds and colored sensations and keep your pen moving across the page.”

~ Natalie Goldberg ~