a five-day journaling series exploring…
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stories of you

It’s time to tell your story.
Whatever your story (and you likely have many), it’s unique to YOU. It’s important to take time to reflect on the stories that express who you are, the stories that string together to make a life — YOUR life.
Over the course of five days, I’ll gently guide you in exploring the stories that uniquely express you.
what’s included
• daily reflections and gentle journaling prompts to help you explore the ins and outs of YOU
• all materials are delivered right to your inbox
what you need
• a journal or notebook to write in (or a computer, if you prefer)
• about 10-15 minutes each day
why stories of you
You have unique life experiences which color and shape who you are, experiences which inform the way you move through each and every day. You have unique stories which make you uniquely YOU.
It’s important for everyone to tell their story. Understanding our individual stories offers us a foundation from which to live our lives, a rooted place from which to move and grow. The stories shift and evolve, but they’re always with us — they help make us who we are.
Stories of You offers you a few quiet writing sessions to slow down and celebrate the beautiful bits of YOU.
join Stories of You for $10
explore the stories that are uniquely you
• ongoing enrollment •
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.
- Maya Angelou -
why write with me
As a Writing and Rest Guide, I create spaces where creative expression meets intentional rest. Drawing from my studies in literature and studio arts at Tufts University and extensive yoga training, I’ve developed a unique approach that weaves together contemplative practice with generative writing. I guide students in discovering their authentic voice through restorative writing practices that honor the need for self-expression and the wisdom of rest. Through my workshops and offerings, participants develop sustainable tools for self-reflection, creative renewal, and deeper self-understanding.
My writing has been published in the literary magazine, kerning. I've also published my writing and photography in Bella Grace and Mabel as well as several places online.
Subscribe to Notes
Notes invite you to pause and notice, to savor the world around you.
On the first of each month, I send notes sharing what I'm noticing.
I also like to share things like books and recipes that I'm enjoying,
and sometimes mid-month, I share a piece from my blog.
Notes are heartfelt letters, from me to you.