a writing practice that frees the heart
and gets words onto the page

Write Your Heart

practice. . . listening to what wants (and needs) to be said

practice. . . side-stepping the pesky inner critic

practice. . . writing freely, loosely, and with heart

practice. . . listening to others

4-week sessions, online

Dates: TBD
Time: 1-2:30am ET;
evening sessions by request
Cost: $130

We begin each gathering (a cozy zoom call) with a short centering exercise; this might be breathwork, it might be a short meditation, it might be something other. We begin with settling in.

Then, using poetry and creative prompts as a jumping off point, we work through timed writing sessions (10-ish minutes each). Writing is free and loose. We also play with making lists and other quick, intuitive modes of writing.

Each weekend, I’ll send you an email with notes from class and a bonus poem you can sink into on your own time (with prompts for writing, as time and inspiration allow).

The core of the practice is this: listening to the words within, and getting them down.

For those comfortable sharing work, there’s time to do so as well as ask questions and discuss creative practices.

Write Your Heart sessions are a great way to begin a writing practice or to nurture an already-existing one.

All levels of writing are welcome. Class size is limited to 8.

settle into the quiet
and get the words down


• paper + pen
• an open heart
• commitment to truth + story
• a sliver of time for YOU


• 4 writing sessions on zoom - poetry, essays, and lots of gentle writing

• short centering exercises that help you transition to the page

 • time to share work, hold gentle conversations, and ask questions

• an email over the weekend with notes from class, an inspiring quote or two, plus a bonus poem to sink into over the weekend (with prompt ideas to work with, as inspired)

Please note that, due to the intimate nature of these gatherings, there will be no recordings. This is a live writing experience.


“Thank you, Michelle, for offering Write Your Heart.  Taking this course succeeded in opening my heart once more to the joy of writing without fear of judgement.  Your prompts were well-curated and thought-provoking and I enjoyed the small group size.  You have a gift for gathering kindred spirits and connecting us to our inner voices!”


“Write Your Heart isn’t about feedback, style, or word choice it’s about getting you writing. Writing whatever is in your heart and mind in that moment… Being seen and witnessed is an extraordinary grace. This unexpected gift is my biggest takeaway and I am truly grateful for Michelle and this group of kindred spirits.”

mug, glasses, journal


This kind of writing is powerful and healing.

It engages a deep awareness that is innate but from which we sometimes disconnect. Little nuggets in our writing offer insights, initiate questions, and generate ideas. We process, we shift, we become.

This kind of writing is a container for creative expression, mindful exploration, and inspired being.

The writing you do in practice with me can be reworked and edited for more polished writing later. It might become a poem or a song, or a piece for your blog, or content for a book or magazine article.

Or maybe, and this is thrilling, too: the writing is gloriously and freely written and, once released on the page, you discover it is (more than) enough as is… you discover that the practice itself is the desired outcome.

You get to decide.


“I am so grateful that I gifted myself the time and space to take this class.  The welcome as each session began, the quieting and taking some moments to breathe, Michelle’s selection of poem or essay that she read as inspiration, the prompts she offered, and the invitation to center on writing what was in my heart at that moment with no pressure to write beautifully or even particularly well – but simply to write, to write my heart – and finally, the invitation to share my writing with the other participants – it was all truly a wonderful experience.  Michelle facilitates with such generosity and grace, and each of the participants felt welcome to share what we had written.  As we read the words that came from our hearts and listened to each other’s words, we found connection and blessing and refreshment.  This workshop will remind you why words on a page are so important, why what is in your heart longs to be written..”

Sign up here to be notified when registration opens for new sessions.


“It’s so very difficult to put into words just how special Michelle’s Write Your Heart class is! She created a warm, safe, nurturing ‘spot’ where we were free to do just what her class title says — to write our hearts, to give voice to what we wanted and needed to say. Michelle makes it do-able, thought provoking, and fun. She provides tools to take with us and use outside of class. I’d take this class again and again.”


“Wow! Write Your Heart has been such a motivating class for me. I had strayed from my writing and journaling practice and was unsure how to begin again. Michelle’s ideas and encouragement were so positive. The prompts she gave were great starting points to get me writing more. I found out that I liked sharing my writings, as well as listening to others read their own. Write Your Heart was a very worthwhile, and enjoyable experience!”

“Just enter the heat of words and sounds and colored sensations and keep your pen moving across the page.”

~ Natalie Goldberg ~


Besides studying English and Studio Arts at Tufts University, I’m also a registered yoga teacher. This training helps me work with you in blending practices like mindfulness + writing + art.  It’s a pretty great combination.


My writing has been published in the literary magazine, kerning. I've also published my writing and photography in Bella Grace and Mabel as well as several places online.


Writing my heart is an ongoing life practice for me, and I'd love to share it with you.

Subscribe to Notes

Notes invite you to pause and notice, to savor the world around you. 

On the first of each month, I send notes sharing what I'm noticing.
I also like to share things like books and recipes that I'm enjoying,
and sometimes mid-month, I share a piece from my blog. 

Notes are heartfelt letters, from me to you.