questions and prayers
It’s a week of fullness, a very good fullness but also one that runs parallel to, is in stark contrast with, is juxtaposed by empty holes. Empty holes in families, empty holes in schools, empty holes in communities, empty holes in countries, empty holes in so many hearts.
It’s a curious thing to rest in one’s own joy while simultaneously holding the devastation of another.
How to patch holes?
In other words
How to cultivate (more) collective compassion?
These are my questions. These are my prayers. This is my week.
Come live in my heart, and pay no rent.
~ Samuel Lover ~
P.S. There are a few days left to sign up for May's FREE offering of The Quiet Page.Click here.
P.P.S. Registration for June's session of The Quiet Page opens June 1.
P.P.P.S. The June Note goes out Wednesday, June 1. Sign up here to receive yours. xo