
(right now)

Each day is a string of tiny moments that tell a story.
What’s your story?

Here’s something I know to be true…

Creativity can be an entry point to joy and wonder, a gateway to gratitude and compassion, a window to awareness and transformation.

Creative practices (for me, especially writing and photography) can help us pay attention in this busy world. They can help us slow down. They can help us notice.

a creative practice = a noticing practice

Noticing invites presence, and it shines a light on abundance. It heightens awareness of the tiny moments sprinkled throughout a day, the moments that string themselves into story.

Our stories (our lives) are rich and layered and beautiful and, sometimes, a little messy. 

What if we’re present to moments and story, our own and those of others, the beautiful as well as the messy??

My newsletter and classes invite you to do this. I’d love to step into the practice with you. Let’s connect.

(I’m really glad you’re here.)

Michelle GD writer

Tap into your creative voice and cultivate awareness…

as you play with lists, sit in stillness, and write your heart freely. You just might be surprised how much you learn about yourself and the world around you by putting pen to paper.

Michelle GD writer twinkle lights

New on the Blog

I love your notes. One of the very few I actually read.  Thanks for your view of the world.


I have to tell you that your notes are sincerely a balm to my heart. Just so filling. It’s like chili and cornbread for my heart!


I’d love to send you

Thank you for your notes each month, I always sink into them and feel a sense of ease somehow and release my shoulders.


I so appreciate your thoughtful monthly emails, thank you for sharing your thoughts and heart with us. It always feels like we’re sitting across the table from one another having tea and conversation.


Subscribe to Notes

Notes invite you to pause and notice, to savor the world around you. 

On the first of each month, I send notes sharing what I'm noticing.
I also like to share things like books and recipes that I'm enjoying,
and sometimes mid-month, I share a piece from my blog. 

Notes are heartfelt letters, from me to you.